15 Aug 2010
I was on line in a vitamin store waiting to make a purchase and I overheard the sales clerk speaking to the customer in front of me. “Are you with the military?” he asked. The customer replied that he had been and now worked private security. “I could tell” said the clerk, “Your build and the short hair”. The conversation ensued for a couple of moments and now it was my turn to be waited on.
“What a nice watch!” was the clerks opening remark, “My grandfather had one just like it.” As he rang up my purchase the small talk continued. He had immediately established a rapport with both of us customers and effectively distracted us from the expensive price of his products. I’m not sure if that was his goal, but my overall impression was a pleasurable buying experience – I would go back to that store again.
Turns out he was the manager and he demonstrated exemplary sales skills. He recognized the need in sales to immediately establish a relationship with the customer. Sure the immediate sale is important but he wants the customer to return to the store again.
This concept is so important to becoming a successful commercial real estate agent. We have the opportunity to service our customers over and over again. Someone leases space, will they ever move again? The investor buys a building; will they buy another one or need help in leasing space in the one they bought?
Are you ready for your next encounter?
How often have you been in a social situation where you meet someone new and they ask what you do for a living? Ever say, “I’m in real estate.” And the next question you hear is “Oh, what are houses around here selling for?” Or, “What are the latest mortgage rates; do you know where I could finance a second mortgage on my home?” What if we pre-determined a response to the question about what our job is? Have a response that immediately focuses the person on commercial or investment real estate. Try this; could you describe what you do without using the words “real estate”?
I help businesses find space to lease or buy. I find and sell properties for investors. I broker commercial buildings and space.
Be ready for your next future opportunity.